Term Loan

These loans offer long-term financing for bigger investments, like plant expansion, equipment, fixed assets or capital improvements.

We extend term loans to finance working capital shortage of businesses (short-term loans) or for acquiring fixed assets (medium-term or long term). Zemen Bank also consider medium or long term loans to finance the working capital need of its customers in case of permanent working capital need.

We provide Short-term loans (up to two years) that can be used in financing seasonal increase in current assets (especially to allow temporary build-up of inventory in advance, financing of receivables during peak selling season), working capital and in the temporary financing of capital expenditures. The purpose of these loans is for purchase of raw materials/merchandise when sales and cash inflow processes do not match. That means, a firm needs cash to purchase raw material and pay expenses as there may not be matching between cash inflow and outflow.

The Bank also offers medium term loans that range between –5 years. Customers will be given grace periods for loan repayments after a careful analysis and endorsement by the Loan approving committee.

Please Contact us to personally present your loan cases to our Bankers.

Lines of credit

A Line of Credit is a form of credit facility by which a customer may be allowed to draw beyond the deposits of its current accounts for the day-today operational needs of a viable and ongoing business, great for short-term credit needs like seasonal purchases, operating expenses, working capital and personal unexpected cash shortage needs.

At Zemen, these loans are financed for a limited duration normally for one year. Line of Credit facility shall be reviewed every year for renewal.

Please contact us to get advice on the right type of loan for your business.